Godwin, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Godwin City? This mid-size city is south of Raleigh-Durham and has a population of 145. Since 2020, the population has decreased by 11.9%. For a more accurate picture of the demographics of this city, check out the Godwin city profile. You'll find important facts about this area, including its history, local weather, and more.

One of the most important factors to consider when assessing the quality of a neighborhood is the proximity to amenities. A high walk score means that many amenities are close by. It can make or break your daily quality of life. If you're looking for a restaurant or cafe, Godwin has plenty to offer. However, if you're looking for a quick stop, there's no need to worry. Godwin has plenty of great restaurants and is a great place for anyone to go out with family or friends.

The median household income of Godwin, NC is $49,375. Those living in Godwin are primarily White (52.8%), followed by Black or African American (4.1%) and Hispanic (4.0%). The poverty rate is 8.3% and 18.2% of Godwin households are below the federal poverty line. The median age of Godwin residents is 52.8 years old. There are four public schools in Godwin, NC.

The median gross rent in Godwin, NC was $563 per month. This price includes rent payments, utility bills, and some other costs associated with housing. North Carolina's average was $759 per month in 2010; the neighboring cities averaged $625 and $617. Godwin is home to 23.1% of people who rent their homes. This is below the national average. If you live in Godwin, NC, you'll want to consider getting health insurance.