Grimesland, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When visiting Grimesland City, you should know the population and steets statistics of this city. These statistics are important to know because they will help you determine the area's affordability. The following tables list the estimated population and steets in the city of Grimesland, NC. These statistics are updated regularly to reflect the latest changes in the area's economy.

Population & Steets in Grimland City are based on the 2010 census. The city has a total population of 440 residents. It is located 40 feet above sea level and is part of the Greenville, North Carolina, metropolitan area. The population of Grimesland decreased by 0.23% from the 2010 Census. Its total area is 0.5 square miles or 1.3 square kilometers.

In 2009, the population was 277.3% white, 24.7% were under 18, 7.3% were in their 20s, and 17.4% were between 25 and 44. The other half was comprised of non-families. One quarter of all households were singles, while 27.0% were family-based. There were also 13.2% of senior citizens living alone. The median age of residents was 38 years. There were 88.7 males for every 100 females, so this is a relatively affordable area for raising a family.

Listed below are the population and steets in Grimesland. The city has one elementary school and one high school. The school district serves the majority of the city's residents. The city's residents are served by the Pitt County School District. A number of schools serve the area. In addition to the public schools, there are several private schools in Grimesland City.