Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for information on the Population & Steets in Killdevil Hills City? If so, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find administrative contact information, as well as information about the city's location. Maps and satellite images can help you find the best hotels in Kill Devil Hills. Here you'll also find an area map. There are also several hotels in Kill Devil Hills, and we rank them based on the value for money they offer.

Listed below are the median household incomes in Kill Devil Hills, NC. While it's impossible to pinpoint the exact number of people living below the poverty line in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, the figures are not dissimilar from those for other cities. The median household income is $52,711 - significantly below the state and national average. The state's median income is $83,338 per capita, making it the third-most expensive place to live.

The primary goal of Kill Devil Hills is to serve as a residential buffer between two commercial districts, but this goal is not easily achieved. The town's housing base is broken into three main categories: single-family detached homes, multi-family dwellings, and hotel rooms. Although each of these categories has its own distinct characteristics, Kill Devil Hills is the only city in North Carolina with this type of housing mix.