Landis, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Landis, NC is a town in the state of North Carolina. It has a population of 3.12k people and the median age is 34.5 years. The median household income was $65,769 in 2020. The city's population consists of 61.8 percent White residents and 21.8 percent Hispanic residents. In 2020, Landis's median age was 34.5 years.

The population of Landis City is comprised of two distinct groups: those living in households with at least one child under the age of 18 years old. Then, there are households headed by married couples or those headed by a single female. The remainder of the population is made up of non-families. And, finally, 9.4% of households are headed by senior citizens who live alone.

Landis City has a low-income rate compared to many other areas of the country. While the area is rich with manufacturing and retail establishments, the median household income is not as high as it is in neighboring towns. Landis's median gross rent is only $900/mo, which makes it one of the most affordable towns in North Carolina.

The city was founded on February 22, 1853 and had a population of 2,500. It was located along the Missouri River, so the city had good transportation access. In addition, its boundary lines ran from the middle of the Missouri River to Ninth Street, and from Bluff Street to Holmes Street.