Manteo, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of Manteo City, NC, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find the most current information on Manteo's racial and ethnic makeup, as well as the median household income. This information will help you understand what life in Manteo is like for the average resident. Listed below are the most common occupations in Manteo.

Among other things, rent burden helps you understand the affordability of housing in Manteo. This statistic is important to know, as it tells us what percentage of households in Manteo spend on renting. This figure is lower than the state average, which is 30.3%, while neighboring towns such as Windsor and Cheriton are both above the state average. In the city of Manteo, nearly 50% of all housing units are occupied by renters, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%.

Manteo was incorporated in 1899, but it was first designated as a county seat in 1870. Today, the city retains the charm of a more ancient town. The city's historic downtown is lined with Elizabethan buildings, and a replica of a sixteenth century sailing vessel sits in the harbor. It also has a 400-year-old Native American named Manteo, which gives the community a sense of history.

Manteo has a humid subtropical climate with long hot summers and short, cool winters. The city receives around 96 inches of rain each year. Snow rarely falls in Manteo. In the most recent census, there were 1,600 people living in Manteo. This is a small city with 865 households and 491 families. Its median age is forty-two years old, which is lower than the national average of 87.9 percent for similar-sized cities.