Mayodan, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a breakdown of the Population & Steets of Mayodan City, North Carolina. The most recent data available shows that 22.2% of Mayodan residents live below the federal poverty level, which is $11,487 annually for a family of four. Children make up 14.9% of Mayodan's population, while 52.8% of adults work. The median household income in Mayodan is $27,614, and the median gross monthly rent is $557.

The population of Mayodan, North Carolina is 2,021 people. Males make up 47.8% of the population, and females make up 52.8%. Among the population is an elderly person, with 26.7% being 65 and older. In terms of racial makeup, the city is 81.8% White, 15.9% Black, and 0.8% Two or more races. Hispanic people make up 4.0% of the population.