Midway Park, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Midaway Park City are statistics about people living in the city. They help you decide whether to move to this city. There are many benefits of living in Midway Park City, including the fact that you can find a job. The area also provides a variety of other benefits, such as economic development, social stability, and more. To learn more about the population and steets in Midway Park City, read the information below.

Midway Park City is a city located in Orange County. The population is spread out. Its population is made up of approximately 8,382 households. Of these households, 2,106 were headed by adults. The average household size is 3.3. The city has a low poverty rate, at 2.58%. There are also plenty of jobs in the area. The Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Sheriff's Department provide law enforcement services and fire protection. The Care Ambulance Service provides ambulance transport.

There are four islands in Midway City, each containing less than 150 acres. The city does not have its own school district, but is served by the Westminster School District and Ocean View School District. Star View Elementary School is located in the south east section of the city. The Orange County Transportation Authority provides mass transit services to Midway City. Francis Townsend, a social activist, is considered a local hero. His Townsend Plan was influential in the creation of the Social Security system.