Pilot Mtn, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pilot Mtn City is approximately 1,483 residents. These people are mostly middle aged adults. The median age is 46. There are approximately 2.8 people per family. The city ranks 14430 in diversity nationally and 443 in the state. The economic condition is not that great. There are many other reasons to live in Pilot Mtn. Here are just a few. Population & Steets in Pilot Mtn City:

The median income of the residents of Pilot Mountain is $33,239 per year. The poverty rate is 1.33%. The city ranks high in education and costs of living. Its population is a mix of both sexes, and there are many places to go after a fulfilling life. In terms of the community, Pilot Mountain is above average. However, the cost of living is still a factor.

In Pilot Mtn, NC, the majority of workers drive alone to work. Another 6.96% carpool or work from home. The chart shows how many workers travel by each mode of transportation in the city over time. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, making it easier to visualize variations in smaller means of commuting. Listed below are the population & steets of Pilot Mtn City.

North Carolina is ranked fifth in the U.S. in terms of per capita income. The state's economy employs six hundred and fifty people. Of these, 137 work in the business sector and the rest in the retail industry. These workers earn an average of $90,833 per year. By contrast, only one out of six hundred residents of Pilot Mtn City is unemployed.