Proctorville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Proktorville City, Ohio, you have come to the right place. The census data provides vital information on Proctorville's population and the demographics of this city. You can also check the map below and view the city's neighborhoods. You will find the number of residents living in different neighborhood types, including residential, commercial, and industrial.

Proctorville is home to a large percentage of young adults and couples looking to start a family. In fact, its median age is 39 years old, and the average family size is 3.9. The city's racial and ethnic diversity is below the national and state average. The most ethnically diverse groups are German, Irish, and American. However, the community's overall diversity is below the national and state averages.

The average age of people in Proctorville is 54.6 years old. The percentage of people between 40 and 49 years old is the lowest, and the highest number of residents are 60 and older. Among the racial and ethnic groups, the population of Proctorville is composed of people of various races and ages. Its demographics are very useful for business planning and employment research, and can help identify areas where retirees live.

The median income in Proctorville is $24,773 per person. Its median age is 42.8%. The population of Proctorville is 58.8%. Eighty-five percent of the residents of Proctorville have a high school degree. Seven percent have a bachelor's degree and 2.0% have a graduate or professional degree. This area of Ohio has a low poverty rate and a low unemployment rate.