Rhodhiss, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a good feel for this North Carolina town, you can look up its population and steets. Both of these statistics can help you plan your next trip. You can also see which cities are within 100 miles of Rhodhiss City, NC. Here is a breakdown of the local population. You may be interested in checking out the area around Rhodhiss.

The population of Rhodhiss is 711 people of voting age. The gender split is 48.1% male and 51.1% female. 11.7% of the population is 65 years or older. The racial makeup of Rhodhiss is predominantly white. A small percentage of residents are of Asian or Two or more races. However, the city is heavily represented by Scandinavians.

The most comprehensive set of yearly nutrient data was collected by the USGS in 1993. It shows a relatively high ratio of nitrate to phosphorus. Total phosphorus and nitrate-nitrogen samples were collected annually over 42 years. The latter were analyzed less frequently in the early years. Overall, the results are promising. It is clear that the city has a healthy and productive fishery.