Rougemont, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Rougeont City are based on the number of households. The population of this North Carolina city is comprised of both Native Americans and White people. The income level in Rougemont varies from one family to another, but overall the poverty rate is below the national average. The poverty rate in Rougemont, NC is 0.0% for full-time workers and 0.00% for non-workers.

The population density in Rougemont is lower than the national average, with only four people per house. The area also has fewer noisy groups, including college students and families with young children. The median property value is $208,000, and there are three cars per household. This makes the city quieter overall. While it may be a good idea to consider the demographics when choosing a new neighborhood, it's important to consider the other aspects of the area as well.

The following map shows the population density in Rougemont by neighborhood. It also shows the rate of murder per person and per day. It also highlights the location of retail establishments. If there are fewer people living in a given block, crime rates may appear higher than in another part of the city. In addition to crime rates, the diversity of residents in Rougemont can also be determined by the proximity of parks, playgrounds, and daycare centers.

The crime rate in Rougemont, NC is similar to the surrounding cities. It is slightly less safe than the national average, but still safer than the state average. The north part of Rougemont is the safest area in the city. In general, people who live in Rougemont are friendly and open. When it comes to crime rates, Rougemont has a low rate of violent crimes. For example, central Rougemont has a lower rate of violent crimes than the northwest part of the city.