Sandy Ridge, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering: What is the population of Sandy Ridge City? This article will answer that question and more. Sandy Ridge is a city in Tennessee, United States. The population of Sandy Ridge is approximately 4,000 people. Most residents commute to work by private automobile. This is lower than the average commute time for all American cities. In Sandy Ridge, the crime rate per capita is 0.39%. The crime rate in Sandy Ridge is significantly lower than the national average.

The Sandy Ridge, PA median property value is $89,600, which is 0.373 times smaller than the national average. There are approximately 337 residents living in Sandy Ridge, with an average commute time of 25.6 minutes. The median household income is $26,136. There are 0% foreign-born residents. The population of Sandy Ridge, PA is mostly White (Non-Hispanic), but the area does have some African-Americans and Blacks.

The area was overwhelmingly white in 2010 and 2020, with only a few African-American families living there. Although black people accounted for nearly half of the population, the Asian population showed an increase in both absolute numbers and percentages. Regardless of the demographics of Sandy Ridge City, the population of this city will continue to grow as more people move to the area. The city's overall demographics continue to increase in the coming years, with the Asian population making up the largest group.

The Sandy Ridge population is home to several major businesses. The city is located near the 400-285 highway interchange. Some of the major employers in the area include hospitals and various industries. Sandy Ridge is also home to the largest MARTA station in the entire city. It is also home to the top three tallest buildings in suburban Georgia. The city is also home to the headquarters of several other industries. For those interested in a lifestyle full of opportunities, Sandy Ridge is the city for you.