Siler City, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out how many people live in Siler City, NC, you have come to the right place. Here you'll find information on Siler City's population and its steets. The statistics below will help you make your decision on where to move next. And if you're still not sure, check out this article for more information! It includes the latest statistics and the most recent population figures.

When it comes to finding a good neighborhood, look at the population and steets in Siler City, NC. A city's rent burden is a useful measure of how much of a household's income goes towards renting a house. Siler City has a higher rent burden than the state average of 30.3%. It is also higher than its neighbors, Franklinville and Liberty, which have higher rent burdens. However, the majority of homes in Siler City are occupied by renters, which suggests that the city has a higher rent burden than its neighbors.

As the name implies, Siler City was a retirement community for actress Frances Bavier. She died in 1989, but was best known for her role as Aunt Bea on the TV show The Andy Griffith Show. The series was set in a fictional town called Mayberry, North Carolina, and featured a number of places in Siler City. In fact, one episode of The Andy Griffith Show featured a scene in Siler City, as well as another episode in the same season.