If you've ever wondered how many people live in the city, you're not alone. According to Radaris, the population of Sugar Mountain, North Carolina, is 939 people. Of these residents, 47.7% are male and 52.7% are female. The male-to-female ratio in Sugar Mountain is 48.7%, which is higher than the national average. However, the breakdown of the genders in Sugar Mountain City is not nearly as drastic.
The following chart shows the percentage of households using different modes of transportation. It uses a logarithmic scale for the y-axis to show changes in smaller means of transportation. The chart shows the proportion of households that own two cars in Sugar Mountain, NC. The largest percentage of households is classified as "false".
The population of Sugar Mountain is ranked #1 in North Carolina among incorporated cities, towns, and CDPs. The community is within the Township of Banner Elk, a minor civil division of Avery County. The following types of businesses are located in the City:
The most common economic activities in Sugar Mountain City are lodging, food service, and education. There are 423 White residents, and eighteen Asians. The city's third largest economic sector is finance and insurance. In Sugar Mountain, the median age is 61.5. Compared to the rest of the Charlotte metro area, the city has the highest median age of 61.5. If you're looking for an employment opportunity in Sugar Mountain, NC, you should look into the following statistics.