Tarawa Terrace, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering relocating to Tarawa Terrace City, you may be wondering: what are the demographics of Tarawa Terrace? You can find out by requesting a free quote from Vivint. These service providers provide comprehensive information on crime and other issues for residents. These ratings are based on actual crime data in Tarawa Terrace. Crime statistics can help you make a decision on where to live based on your personal needs.

The population of Tarawa Terrace, NC is approximately 1,775 people. Of this number, fifty-one percent identify as white, while forty-eight percent identify as Asian or Pacific Islander. The remaining fifty-four percent identify as other races. The gender breakdown is also listed. There are a few minor differences, but the figures are generally accurate. Nevertheless, Tarawa Terrace's demographics show a healthy mix of ages and races.

The number of educated people in a city is important to determine the quality of the community. A higher percentage of educated people means more potential. Tarawa Terrace NC women tend to have a higher percentage of educated people than men. According to the 2016 census, 246.0% of Tarawa Terrace's women have earned a high school degree, while 6.9% hold a master's degree. Only 0.0% of women in Tarawa Terrace NC hold doctoral degrees.