Valdese, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are looking for population statistics for Valdese, you will need to find out which neighborhood has the highest concentration of immigrants. You can also find out which races are represented in Valdese by looking at the list of Hispanics. There are many people of Hispanic origin living in Valdese, and it can be hard to tell which ones are the most numerous. However, you can get an idea of where the majority of Valdese residents live by checking out the table below.

Listed below are the zip codes for Valdese. Valdese is in Burke County, North Carolina, and is officially known as Valdese. This area also borders Rutherford College and Drexel. It has an area code of 828, making it a Lower Middle Class zip code when compared to other areas in the country. You can use this zip code to find the Valdese Museum, and you can find more information about the city by visiting their website.

The town of Valdese is located in Burke County, NC. The 2010 Census estimates its population at 4,490. It is located at an elevation of 1,180 feet and within the (828) area code. The Waldensian Presbyterian Church was founded in Valdese in the late nineteenth century. This community is also home to the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton Metropolitan Statistical Area.