Amidon, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics for Amidon City are available on the website. The current population is approximately 7,257 people. The city has a C5 census class code, which is independent of any county subdivision and serves as the equivalent of one. The city's Functional Status Code is "A," which indicates that the community is an active government with primary general-purpose functions. The Amidon area includes 24% residents working in blue-collar occupations and 14% in white-collar occupations.

Amidon has a low crime rate compared to neighboring cities. While crime rates may look higher around the city's major parks and airports, it is actually much lower than the average for the city. While crime rates appear higher around these locations, crime is still a problem no matter where people are. That means that it is not always necessary to avoid these areas when you are comparing crime rates in Amidon with nearby cities.

Amidon is located in southwestern North Dakota. It has a population of 23, which is lower than the national average. Amidon has a low crime rate, with just 0.5 percent of residents committing a crime every year. If you are planning a trip to Amidon, you should keep the facts in mind and check out the area's demographics. It will help you decide whether the area is right for you.

The median property value in Amidon, ND was $68,750 in N/A, which is significantly higher than the national average of $47,100. The median household income in Amidon, ND is $240,500, and the average household has two cars. Overall, Amidon's economic indicators are similar to the national average in terms of the amount of money spent on transportation, including driving to and from work.