Appam, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate in Appam City is relatively high, about 1 per thousand inhabitants. However, if you look at crime rates by neighborhood, it can be surprising to find that this city is much less violent than its neighboring areas. While crime in Appam is still low compared to the average of other American cities, it is much higher in the northeastern areas than in the central and southern regions.

Those looking to travel to Appam, ND should start their search at the nearest airport. Appam is located in the Dakota County region, so there are many big cities within four hours' drive. Alternatively, you can try a smaller city, such as Fargo, and find flights from there. If your route is full of layovers, it's probably best to search for flights to a city located four hours away.

The map below indicates how diverse Appam is, by race. Each area shows the racial makeup of the community, and darker shades indicate a higher racial makeup. For further information on the racial makeup of the city, visit the website Diversity in Appam. It will show you how racially diverse the city is, as well as its diversity score. If there's more than one race, then the city is more diverse than its neighbors. In Appam, diversity means that there's a mix of races living close to each other. In contrast, if all the population is white, then the city is not very diverse.