Binford, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the demographics of Binford City, North Dakota. Located in the North Dakota state, the city has an average population age of 39.9 years and 0.0% of residents are Hispanic or Asian. The population is made up of both white and non-white citizens. The area has a high graduation rate at 81%, and a very low dropout rate, with 55% of residents dropping out of college.

Although the population of Binford has decreased significantly since the 1980s, the town is still thriving and boasts a large number of businesses. Its Main Street is lined with an Auto Service/Gas Station, Grocery & Hardware Store, Massage Therapy practice, Beauty Salon, Post Office, and Cafe/Bar. Other businesses in the town include a Heavy Truck Dealer and Road Construction Company.

The population of Binford City is forecast to reach 4,5,7,8 million by 2020. The city's population is expected to grow to 4,5,7,8 million by 2020. The number of people living below the poverty line is lower than the national average, which is 24.9%. In contrast, neighboring cities such as Manvel and Horace have a much lower rent burden, at 22.1% and 22.7%, respectively. It is also important to note that 37.8% of households in Binford are renters.

The average household income in Binford is $40,156, which is 14.7% higher than the national average. The median age in Binford is 46.3 years old, and the median household size is 2.21. The population is expected to grow by 6.8% between 2018 and 2019, according to census data. The city's median ethnicity is White (Non-Hispanic) and 0% speaks a language other than English.