Blaisdell, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Blaisdell City, Wisconsin, is 17,728. Approximately 15,335 people live in homes. The average household size is 2.5 persons. The average commute time is about 30 minutes. The median household income is $49,390. The Blaisdell City, Wisconsin, real estate market is stable and growth is expected.

The Blaisdell City neighborhood is home to residents of a variety of ethnicities. For example, the majority of residents speak English at home. This means that about 80 percent of households speak English. However, the area also has residents who speak Tagalog and Japanese.

Volunteers serve the community in Blaisdell Park. Each week, volunteers deliver a free hot meal to the homeless. The outreach is conducted by the nonprofit organization Touch a Heart. The services provided by Touch a Heart are made possible by donations from the community. The organization tries to keep the cost per meal as low as possible. With a small team of volunteers, Muratsuka ensures that the program will remain available.

The median household income in Blaisdell City, Wisconsin was $35,613 in 2009. This was the same as the national average, which was $43,852. In comparison to the nearby ZIP codes, Blaisdell City's residents earned $58,952. While money isn't everything, residents of this community earn less than people in other parts of town.