Devils Lake, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Devil's Lake City are provided below. The data is compiled from the most recent U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, but should not be regarded as definitive. For example, it is important to remember that people may not be living in Devils Lake at the time of the census, and that there are many factors that may affect the population in this community. Nevertheless, this demographic data is generally accurate and should be considered a good representation of the city's population.

The median income in Devils Lake, ND is $47,218, which is less than the national average of $65,712. This figure represents an increase of 7.93% over the previous year. The city has a population of about 3.9 thousand residents. There are three industries that employ most people in the city, Accommodation & Food Services (which employs the largest proportion of residents), Health Care & Social Assistance (which employs the second-largest share), and Retail Trade, which employs the third-largest share. These industries pay the highest average incomes in Devils Lake, and are among the top three largest employers in the area.

As for income levels, the median household income in Devils Lake City was $26,940. Twenty percent of the city's population was under 18, while 5.2% of households were between 18 and 24 years old. Forty-three percent of households were headed by married couples, while twenty-seven percent were headed by single people. Twenty-seven percent of households were non-families, while 36.5% of all households included individuals. And 24 percent of residents were over 65 years old. The city's average household size was two adults and two children.