Donnybrook, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out more about the Population & Steets in Dannybrook City, Ohio, you've come to the right place. Here you will find detailed information on this city, including its demographics and employment figures. In addition, you can learn about the average income in the area, as well as the median household income. As you can see, this information is useful for evaluating your target audience.

While most people don't think much of the neighborhood, Donnybrook Park is definitely a great place for retirees to call home. Its quiet, diverse, and safe neighborhood is home to educated senior citizens and people of many age groups. In fact, this neighborhood is more retiree-friendly than 99.6% of all neighborhoods in the United States. The community also boasts a very low poverty rate, with only 0.0% of children living below the federal poverty line.

The population of Donnybrook is 53 people. This has dropped by 5.3% since 2020, but it has been growing steadily. The median home value is $99,800, and home appreciation has averaged 5.6% over the last decade. A good place to live is near the water! When you're planning a trip to Donnybrook, make sure to check out the population and steets stats of the nearby towns.

Donnybrook is located in Ward County, North Dakota. Its population was 59 at the 2010 census. By 2020, the population will grow by about 53. The city is located six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).