Grassy Butte, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Grassy Butte is approximately 139 people. Most people travel by car. Another 13 people use bicycles. Three people walk to work. Based on the 2020 American Community Survey, Grassy Butte City is home to a diverse population. For more information, read our guide to the community. We have also included a list of the closest large cities and smaller towns in the area.

Grassy Butte is a safe city with a murder rate lower than nearby cities. It is also safer than the national and state average. This is especially true if you are looking for a quiet neighborhood. Crime rates can be misleading as the number of people visiting the city during the day is low. However, the red areas in the map are not necessarily a warning for residents.

The median household income of 58634 is significantly higher than the national average. This is because there is a smaller percentage of unemployed residents than in other areas. A larger percentage of people in the city have a college degree. The population of Grassy Butte City is largely composed of professionals and recent graduates, making it a desirable place to live.