Hoople, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Considering moving to Hoople City, North Dakota? Start by getting to know the area's population and steeps. There are over two hundred residents in this small town. You can also get a feel for the town's character by looking at the population of nearby towns. The list below includes the center of the largest cities within 113 miles of Hoople City. You can use this list to book flights to these cities or plan a road trip.

The population of Hoople, ND is composed of 242 residents. This number represents 115 households with 63 families. This number shows the town's economic diversity. While there are a lot of small businesses in the town, most residents live on their own and do not work for a large corporation. The median household income is $41,875 and the average household income is $53,662. The median high school graduation rate is 72%, and most people have a degree or a certificate in a related field.

The US postal code for this city is 58243. It belongs to the Fargo - Valley City metro area. Parts of this zip code are in Pembina County. The city has 1 bank branch. The most popular bank in Hoople is the First United Bank. Hoople, ND has a population of 242.