Killdeer, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you an overview of the population and steets in Killdeer City, Minnesota. You can also view crime data and other statistics about the city. This data is helpful for determining the quality of life in a community. The poverty rate is the percentage of people living below the poverty line. In Killdeer, this rate is 4.36% for full-time workers, 5.08% for part-time workers, and 5.65% for non-workers. These numbers don't include illegal immigrants.

The city is home to approximately 851 residents. The median household income is $66,442 and the poverty rate is 3.87%. The median property value is $171,900. The homeownership rate is 73.2%, which makes Killdeer a great place to raise a family. However, you should be aware that house values in Killdeer don't compare to the most expensive real estate in the United States.

The median age of all residents of Killdeer, ND is 38.4%. This translates to about $168,400 for a family of four. The city is racially diverse, with nearly eighty percent of residents being White. In addition to Whites, there are also some foreign-born residents, who are generally of German, Norwegian, and English ancestry.

The median household income in Killdeer, North Dakota is $80,000. About seventy-two percent of households are owner-occupied, while twenty-six percent are renters. Most housing units were constructed before 1940, and only four percent were built after the year 2000. Despite the low cost of living, the median income is still higher than the national average, indicating that Killdeer is a comfortable place to live.