Kintyre, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may have seen Population & Steets in Kinthyre City, but do you know what the real numbers are? Fortunately, you can find out! We've compiled a list of the nearest towns and cities in Kintyre, North Dakota so you can see where to find the best food and most affordable lodging. Here are the stats for Kintyre.

The population of Kintyre is 148 people, making up 84 households. In terms of income, Kintyre residents make $44,167. The average household income is $66,310. The ratio of males to females is 1.02, and the majority of residents are white. The city also has an overall high school graduation rate of 72%, but a high percentage of residents drop out of college.

Before the comital powers were abolished, the shrieval unit was left undefined. In 1899, counties were formed on shrieval boundaries, and Kintyre was a part of Argyll and Bute. The population and steets in Kintyre City are shown below. These statistics are updated daily and can help you decide which city to visit.

A brief history of Kintyre: The town's long, isolated location makes it difficult to locate other towns or cities, so you're likely to stumble across a small fishing village. But this area has a lot to offer. Visit the nearby Kirkwall Bay, home to the Kirkwall Church and the Dunse Cemetery, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Then enjoy your trip to Ireland!