Mekinock, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to determining who your target market is, consider the demographics of Mekinock. The city has 243 residents and 131 households. The median home value is $84,063, and the average household size is 2.50 people. The median household income is $58,500, and the percentage of homeowners is 87%. For more information on the demographics of Mekinock, North Dakota, you can visit the city's website.

The Mekinock population is included on Wikipedia, Google, and the U.S. Census Bureau web site. This data is based on the most recent available rebased figures and census block data. Listed below are the three most recent data available for Mekinock. You can see how many people live in each category, as well as where they work. There are three main categories of occupations in Mekinock: professional services, manufacturing, and education.

Mekinock is a township in the county of Grand Forks, North Dakota. At the 2010 census, the population was 2,535 people, but the estimated population for the year 2020 is 2,387. The city is home to Grand Forks Air Force Base, which is an important military presence in North Dakota. The area is well-served by airmen and military personnel stationed in the area.