Milnor, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Milner City? Listed below are the details for Milnor City, North Dakota. For additional information, see the Milnor City, North Dakota, demographics and housing market data. You can find other important facts about Milnor, including its median age, gender, race, and household income. You can also explore Milnor's history.

The population of Milnor City is 632. The city has seen a 7.5% decline in population since the year 2020. The median commute time is 13.8 minutes, which is shorter than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home value is $111,600, with an appreciation rate of 2.3% in the last decade. For other statistics about Milnor City, check out our suburb profile.

The population of Milnor is approximately 3,000. The population is well-represented in the local school district. The school district operates a single elementary school with nine teachers and 192 students. Those in grades K-6 have access to six-weeks of kindergarten. The school district also provides vocational and technical courses for the citizens. This city has a total of seven miles of streets. Only three of these are hard-surfaced.

The average income of residents of Milnor is $46,647 per year. Males earn more than women: They earn an average of 1.28% more than females. This indicates that there is less income inequality in Milnor, ND. In comparison to other places, a lower poverty rate is a sign of a more prosperous society. The poverty rate for Milnor is 2.3%, while the state's average is 7.23%.