Mohall, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you need to know about Mohall City? Are you interested in learning more about the area's demographics? Here is a look at the population and steets data for the city. This information is important for government officials and business owners in Mohall. You can also use this information to find out more about the schools in the area. The following data is categorized by race and age.

As of 2018, 100% of the residents in Mohall, ND are citizens of the United States. That's higher than the national average and is significantly higher than the state's neighboring and parent cities. Another notable statistic is that a large percentage of residents live in households that own three or more cars. Compared to the national average, Mohall has a lower proportion of households that own four cars.

The gender makeup of the population of Mohall, ND is relatively balanced. While the city has a small proportion of males, it is still one of the most diverse cities in the U.S. As a result, females make up about 50.7% of the total population. As a result, females are a significant contributor to the city's economic growth and progress. And while the town's male-to-female ratio is slightly lower than the national average, this is still much higher than the U.S. average.

The median household income in Mohall City is $61,111. The median age of the residents in Mohall is 43.5 years. The city has an estimated 2020 population of 694. It is part of the Minot Micropolitan Statistical Area. The city was founded in 1901 by M.O. Hall, who was concerned about the name conflict with another North Dakota town with the same name. In 1902, the name was changed to Mohall. Its population was then established as the county seat, and the Renville County Courthouse opened in 1937.