Powers Lake, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Power's Lake City, you have come to the right place. Listed below are the most popular cities in Powers Lake, as well as the population and steets for each. You can use this information to compare cities or determine which one is right for you. Once you have a general idea of where you live, you can use this information to find homes for sale and more.

The population of Powers Lake City, North Dakota is approximately 116. The median household income in Powers Lake is $19,500. The poverty rate is 8.5%, with 2.8% of the population living below the poverty line. There are also 16.3 percent of people who are unemployed. The average education level in Powers Lake is a high school diploma. Despite the low levels of education, 68.9% of residents are employed.

Powers Lake is a relatively safe city compared to many other Sparse Suburban communities. However, crime is a real concern for almost half of the population. While Powers Lake has a low crime rate compared to other parts of the state, the overall quality of education is excellent. This ranking is based on a combination of factors, including public school graduation rates, enrollment numbers, teacher-student ratios, and reviews by parents and students.

The median property value in Powers Lake, ND was $143,200 in 2019, making it 0.595 times smaller than the national average. In 2019, 73.7% of the population commuted by car alone. In addition to driving alone, 8.7% of workers used carpools. The average car ownership rate in Powers Lake, ND is two cars per household. In addition to these data, the city is well represented by other types of businesses and industries.