Reeder, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Population & Steets in Reed, Michigan, you've come to the right place. Reed City is the default name for Osceola Township, and it's also the name of its ZIP Code. The city's population is given for 2010 and 2020, as well as the street name and phone number. There are 6 banks in Reed City. The most common ones are Huntington National Bank and Chemical Bank.

The area's median household income is less than half the state average, while the percentage of Hispanics and blacks was nearly half the state average. Another significant demographic fact is that its number of foreign-born residents is well below the state average. The percentage of college students and institutionalized residents is significantly higher than the state average. The median age for residents is 36 years old. The median household size is 2.30 people.

Residents of Reed City are of varied racial backgrounds. Most report being White, while others claim to be Black or African-American. Some report German, Irish, English, and Dutch ancestry. Those whose native language is not English also speak Polish and Italian. This diversity in racial makeup makes Reed City an excellent place to live. If you're thinking about moving to the area, consider the many options available.

A general store, Lonsbury & Crocker, opened in spring 1871. After the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad fixed the crossing through the village, the town experienced rapid growth. Once a wilderness, the area is now filled with settlers. The Grand Rapids & Indiana completed the railroad through the village in the fall of 1871, and continued northward. At present, the newspaper has a circulation of about 1,100.