Richardton, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Richardton has a population of 4,547. The population is composed primarily of white people, while only 12.3% of residents identify as black. About 1% of Richardton citizens identify as American Indian or Native Hawaiian. Hispanics account for 17.8% of the population, while 2.6% are other races. The Richardton census asks people about their ancestry. German, Russian, and English are among the most common ancestries. In North Dakota, they are the most common.

Compared to North Dakota, Richardton has a lower poverty rate than the state's average. Its poverty rate is just 4.6%, and fewer than a third of residents are living below the federal poverty line. Richardton has a very low crime rate. It is also home to an extremely low number of homeless people. There are approximately 662 people living in Richardton. The median household income is $56,250.

In terms of housing affordability, Richardton is not as affordable as other cities in Wisconsin. Compared to the state, Richardton's rent burden is 16.4%, while that of Bison and Underwood is 19.9%. In Richardton, 19.1% of housing units are occupied by renters. The median age of residents in Richardton is 37.6 years, and males are slightly older than females.

The population of Richardton was 625 in 1990. It was estimated that population would grow to as many as 12,830 by 2020. This growth rate makes it the 87th-largest city in North Dakota and the 12695th largest city in the US. The growth rate is slow, but it is higher than other cities in Dickinson. Aside from being close to Dickinson, Richardton is also home to the Benedictine Assumption Abbey.