Willow City, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A simple map of crime rates in Willow City shows that crime rates are generally higher in the south and east of the city. While this may seem like a good comparison, the overall crime rate in Willow City is less than the state average. In the following table, you can see crime rates in this city in comparison to nearby cities. In general, the city is safer than the state of Texas and the national average.

The number of renters per household in Willow City, TX, is 38.8%. The number of renters in Willow City, TX is higher than the state average of 24.9%. The rent burden is also higher than the average rent burden in neighboring cities, including Bismarck and New Rockford. In terms of the overall number of renters in Willow City, TX, 38.8% of housing units are occupied by renters.

Residents in Willow City are self-identified white on the US census, which means that they are mostly white. The darker the shade, the greater the racial majority in the city. You can also see diversity scores for this area. When deciding whether or not to live in Willow City, be sure to check the data. You can always use the map to find out more about the city. It is easy to find out the most up-to-date information on the population and steets of Willow City.

The median property value in Willow City, ND is $41,200. This is less than half the national median. During the last decade, the median property value in Willow City has decreased from $47,100 to $41,200. That is an 8.3% drop in just one year. Residents of Willow City, ND own their homes 82.8% of the time. The average person lives alone, with a 20-minute commute to work. Willow City is also home to 0% of households with non-English speaking members.