Beavercreek Township, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics of Beavercreek Township, Ohio are listed below. This information includes the city's population and the breakdown of its ages, races, and ethnicity. The township has the highest proportion of residents aged 30 to 39 years old, and the lowest proportion of people aged 60 to 69 years old. Listed below are the breakdowns by sex and race for residents of Beavercreek Township, Ohio.

The Township's growth is largely attributed to its location on the outskirts of the Dayton metropolitan area. As a result, the Township has made substantial investments in its transportation network, public water, sanitary sewer, schools, and other infrastructure. The Township has also made improvements based on past needs and desires. In general, new development in the township should be directed toward the identified plan.

The population of Beavercreek Township City is 46,549, the third-largest in landmass in the Miami Valley. The city continues to grow and capture a larger share of growth in the county. The Census Bureau estimates that the total population will grow by almost one thousand people by 2022. However, the Township has only added four positions to its police department since 1996, and has one of the lowest staffing ratios in the area.

The topography of Beavercreek Township is diverse. There are flat, gently sloping, and steep terrain. The slope of the land is an important factor in determining the design and density of new development in this city. The steepness of a slope also affects the cost of adjusting structural systems. The steepness of a slope makes development more difficult. For this reason, the Township is a desirable location for businesses.