Bettsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When visiting a city, it is important to know the Population & Steets in Bettville City. While the city has few retail establishments, the violent crime rate per resident is inflated. This is because many crimes take place in blocks with few people. Red areas do not necessarily mean a higher risk for residents in Bettsville. In fact, it may actually be the opposite. If you visit a city with many violent crimes, you might be more concerned with the safety of the city as a whole.

In addition to the Population & Steets in Bettsvill City, you can find out the cities around Bettsville. The cities nearest to Bettsville have an average commute time of 23.4 minutes. Listed below are the top ten cities that you can visit within 42 miles of Bettsville. For example, if you plan to visit a city with an airport, you should search for flights that go to that airport.

The population of Bettsville, Ohio is diverse. The majority of people (61%) are white. Only 12.3% of people in the city identify as African-American. Twenty-seven percent of people in Bettsville are Hispanic. About 2.6% of people are Asian. The remainder are Hispanic. Bettsville's population contains individuals of all races, including people with a variety of ancestry.