Burkettsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to relocate to Burkettsville, OH, you might be wondering what the current population and steets are. This article will show you the demographics and details about this community. It will show you the median household income and the percentage of households that make less than the state average. It will also show you a wealth of other useful information about this community. Whether you want to move here for personal or business reasons, you can find out more about the city's median household income.

The census also provides important demographic information on the city's residents. The median age of residents is 35.7 years old. The percentage of households that are comprised of children is 6.5%, while 22.3% are headed by a married couple. There were also 16.8% of households headed by an individual. The village has a gender distribution of 52.9% males to 47.1% females, which is a relatively low percentage.

The wealth of residents in Burkettsville is measured using several indicators of affluence. These include the average household income, average net worth, and the value of material possessions. The Wealth Index indicates the level of wealth a city has in relation to the national average. Values above 100 represent an area with above-average wealth, while values below 100 are in the low-income range. Burkettsville is ranked in the 75th percentile of incorporated cities.