Columbus Grv, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a map of Columbus, Ohio, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find an overview of the Population & Steets in the city. If you're not sure where you're living, here's a quick guide to help you decide. Listed below are some of the most notable locations in Columbus, Ohio. You can also explore its history to get a better idea of its current demographics.

The population of the Columbus-Grv City is estimated at 10,265 people. The median age is 37.8 years. There are 28.4% of residents under the age of 18, 8.4% from 18-24, and 15.3% of those between 25 and 44. Twenty-four percent of households were composed of people who were 45-64 years old. There were also 12.2% of households that comprised one person.

The growth of the city began in the mid-1800s with the arrival of German immigrants from Germany. This group brought a unique cultural flavor to the town, and many of them settled in the area's Old South End. By 1865, the population had grown to one-third Germans. Columbus Grove's population reached its peak in the late 1800s when the Grand Army of the Republic opened a branch in the town, encouraging farmers to grow more crops and build more factories.

The community of Columbus Grove is located in the township of Pleasant, a minor civil division of Putnam County. This town is home to several military installations, nursing homes, and correctional facilities. According to the Census 2000, the city has a diversity index of 100, and the likelihood of two people in the same area belonging to different races or ethnic groups is ninety-five percent or more.