Convoy, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population of Convoy City, Ohio is 1,062. The city is in Van Wert County. According to the 2010 census, the city had a population density of 1,805 people per square mile. This is higher than the state average of 1,600 people per square mile. The crime rate in Convoy is 2.3 times higher than the state average of 1.7 percent. In the city, most crime occurs in retail centers that have few residents.

The median household income for people in Convoy is $67,487. The median rent for a single family home is $857 per month, and the median house value is $74,400. The median age for residents in Convoy is 35.8 years, with 34 percent of males and 37 percent of females. Those aged 15 to 64 are more likely to be in the work force.

During a visit to Convoy City, a group of 45 city planners was on hand. They were in town for the annual National Planning Conference. They were able to tour the Convoy District and sample local Pan-Asian restaurants. The Convoy District Partnership is already transforming the once industrial area into a vibrant neighborhood. This will also be the stage for even bigger things to come.

The median age of the residents was 35.2. One-fifth of the population was under age, while 30.3% was between the ages of 18 and 24. Twenty-four percent of the population was aged between 25 and 44 and 15.4% was 65 or older. The village had a mixed gender make-up, with 46 percent of the population being male and 53.9% being female. While the median age is 35, the average household size is 3.01 people.