Coolville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table contains information about Population & Steets in Coolvill City. The data is based on the 2010 census, and is updated annually. The Coolville city population is 493 people. In the past decade, this town has experienced a 2.9% decrease in population. The median home value is $144,500. The average home appreciation in Coolville is 5.9% over the last ten years.

The racial composition of Coolville, OH is dominated by Whites. Blacks, Native Americans, and other races have lower incomes. The Census Bureau uses a series of income thresholds to determine who is considered impoverished. Coolville, OH has a total income below these thresholds and is considered poor. The largest group of people in Coolville, OH are employed in Production Occupations with 35 people. Another group with high employment rates is Office & Administrative Support Occupations, with 29 people.

The median household income in Coolville, OH is $50,972. This is an increase of 16.5% over last year. Most residents of Coolville, OH are White, although some are black or African American. Despite the increased percentage of immigrants, the majority of residents are US citizens. If you live in Coolville, OH, you can find information about the local economy by learning about the city's ethnic composition.

The population of Coolville is 496 at the 2010 census. The city is located on the right bank of the Hocking River, a few miles upstream of the Ohio River. The north bank of the village is bypassed by US 50, part of the Appalachian Corridor D. OH-144 is located near the river bank. The median cost of living in Coolville is $850 per month. The median house value is $104,800.