Dillonvale, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dillonvale is mostly white, with only 2.1% of the total population being black. There is also a small, but significant, Hispanic population. Considering the number of Hispanic people in the city, the average household income in Dillonvale is $48,217, making this a relatively wealthy area for advertising. As for the average age, people are most likely to be over 65 years old, and 65% are married. Non-citizens are a group that includes foreigners, legal residents, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants.

Most Dillonvale real estate is owner-occupied, with a high percentage of homes built in the 1950s. However, there are many examples of evictions that occur in this city. Although most of these cases are due to a violation of a lease agreement, the majority of these are simply due to a failure to pay rent on time. Nevertheless, a high percentage of evictions may be an indication of a worsening economy.

The median property value in Dillonvale is $147,200, making it 0.612 times smaller than the national average. Dillonvale has a homeownership rate of 85.3%, which is slightly higher than the national average. The median commute time is 22.9 minutes, and the average car ownership is two vehicles per household. A high percentage of people in Dillonvale, OH are covered by health insurance, with 65.8% of residents on an employer-provided plan. Another small percentage are covered by Medicaid and the military.