Farmer, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides information on the Population & Steets of Farmer City, Illinois. The data provided is based on Census data tagged to residential addresses. For instance, the population of Farmer City in the year 2000 was 76,696. This number is projected to change in the next year. Also, this article provides information on the average age of Farmer City residents. The data is accurate to within a few percent.

The most common racial and ethnic groups in Farmer City, IL are White (95%), Two Or More (3.1%), and Black (0.04%). The median household income in this community is $58,400. While Illinois's median income has been growing in recent years, this number is still below the national average. The data below shows that 16.6% of Farmer City residents live below the poverty line. Among children, this number grows to 23.7%, while 0% of households have an income less than that amount.

In 2010, the population of Farmer City, Illinois was 2,037, which was the fifth-largest community in the state. Its housing stock was primarily built before World War II, making it one of the oldest cities in the country. There were only a handful of apartments in the city at the time of the 2000 census. The median age in Farmer City, IL was 44.8 years old in 1990, which was 14.7% lower than the current population.