Holgate, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets in Holgate City, Ohio, you have come to the right place. The city is 5.7% smaller than the state average. You can also find more information on the crime rate in Holgate. Crime rates in Holgate are higher than the national average. This article will show you the crime rates in Holgate and other nearby cities. You can use this information to make an informed decision about where to live in Holgate.

As of 2010 the population of Holgate is 1,052 people, a decrease of about one percent from the 2010 census. The median home price is $114,200, and the annual real estate appreciation in Holgate is 8.7%. Aside from the median home price, this city also has a rich history of manufacturing and other industries. There are many reasons to live in Holgate, including the fact that it is an ideal location for a growing family.

Demographic data on Holgate shows that the city's population is divided into four distinct age groups. The youngest group is between forty-five and fifty-nine years old, while the oldest group identifies as older. Overall, the population density of Holgate is in the mid-range compared to other cities in the area. Only Florida and Napoleon have higher population densities than Holgate.