Huntsburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The U.S. Census Bureau provides population and steets statistics for cities and towns. These statistics are generally accurate, but you should verify them for accuracy before relying on them. For example, you can look up the number of people in Huntsburg City by using the U.S. Census Bureau's free online map of population. It's also helpful to check the crime rate in Huntsburg City to see how many times someone was recently arrested for breaking and entering.

The population of Huntsburg township is 86% married couples. This percentage is the highest of the entire region. A married couple heads one out of every three households in Huntsburg township, with males headed households making up just 7.7% of the overall population. In comparison, the average state in the country is 51% single. But the area around Huntsburg township is slightly different. Single women make up only 4% of the population.

Although the population of Huntsburg is low, crime rates are often high near recreational areas and major airports. However, the area surrounding the parks and airports has few residents. The low population of these areas may make crime seem higher, but remember that crime happens where people are. When you're walking around the neighborhood, you may not see any signs of crime. However, crime does not only occur in the city, it also happens in other parts of the country.

The population of Huntsburg township, Ohio, is composed of mostly people from Europe. It ranks second only to Orwell, which has a 100% foreign-born population. However, if you want to check the percentages of foreign-born people in Huntsburg township, you can use the United States Census Bureau's website. You can find the population and steets of Huntsburg township in Ohio by ZIP code 44046.