Jeromesville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know what's the population of Jeromesville City? Check out the population map to get a better idea. In the past decade, the city's population has shrunk by 2%. What's the current population of Jeromesville? Here's the latest data. In Jeromesville, Ohio, the median home value is $94,800. This is just 0.394 times smaller than the national average.

Compared to other cities, Jeromesville's median income is $56,458 per year. This is significantly lower than the national median of $65,712. While the percentage of foreign-born residents has stayed the same, it is declining overall. Foreign-born residents of Jeromesville, OH tend to be older than their native-born counterparts. The highest-paying occupations in Jeromesville are those in the construction and extraction industry, followed by office and administrative support occupations and sales and related occupations.

The population of Jeromesville, OH is 614 people. This is slightly lower than the previous year. In terms of income, the median household income is $56,458, down from $61,786 in 2013. The median age of residents in Jeromesville, OH is 34 years old. There are no statistics for children under the age of five, but the city has a growing population.

The population of Jeromesville is quite diverse. Twenty-one percent of residents are under the age of 18, while six percent are 25 to 44. Another 10.4% are 65 or older. This city has a relatively low proportion of people of black, hispanic, and female races. And while it is home to seven pilots, it has no other airmen or other aviators. The median household size in Jeromesville is 2.37.