Maria Stein, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population & steets of Maria Stein City? Here's a quick look at what you'll find in this area of northeast Ohio. You'll find more population information and census blocks here. Then, use the information below to decide whether Maria Stein is right for you. If you're moving to the area, keep these numbers in mind when making your decision.

Violent crime rates in Maria Stein vary by neighborhood. In areas near major airports and parks, for example, you're likely to encounter violent crime rates that are higher than in areas that are not near those places. While this may not be intuitive, crime rates are generally lower in residential areas that are far away from these areas. Also, red areas don't always represent the safest parts of a neighborhood.

In terms of evaluating the audience for your business, you should consider the median household income and homeownership rate in Maria Stein. A neighborhood with a high percentage of homeowners is likely to attract consumers with a higher average income. Whether you sell to a primarily male audience, or to a diverse group of people, consider this information when choosing a market in this area. If you're targeting a diverse market, Maria Stein might be a good place to start.

The population of Maria Stein city was influenced by the construction of the Miami and Erie Canal. Despite the lack of roads, most transportation was carried by water. In 1825, the Ohio Legislature authorized the digging of two canals. The Miami and Erie Canal connected the lake to the Ohio River. The Miami and Erie Canal provided a transportation route that allowed immigrants to work on farms and also find second jobs in nearby manufacturing plants.