Mount Gilead, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are visiting Mount Gilead City, Ohio, you should first find out its population and steets. This information will help you choose your accommodation and decide what activities you can enjoy in the city. You can also get information about the city's amenities, attractions, and jobs. Once you have this information, you can start to decide whether Mount Gilead City is a good choice for you.

The population of Mount Gilead is estimated to be 3,720 by 2020. It is the county seat of Morrow County, Ohio. The city has a median household income of $57,288, and has a low poverty rate of 8.88%. Its median age is 42.1 years old, with males being younger than females. The city's population is spread across a large area, including the surrounding countryside.

The population of Mount Gilead is a mixed bag. While men outnumber women in the city, it is home to both young and old people. The average age of males is 43 years old, while females average 44. You can find out more information about the people in Mount Gilead NC by looking at the gender breakdown. You can even use Radaris to find the right place for you, whether you are looking for an elderly friend or a young single person. In either case, you can use the information to make an informed decision on whether Mount Gilead NC is a good fit for you.

A historical marker of Mount Gilead is the Victory Shaft, which was unveiled in December 1919 in the town square. The tower was built after World War I as a gift from the federal government to Morrow County citizens. Morrow County had more war bonds sold per capita than any other county in the state. President Warren G. Harding spoke at the dedication ceremony. In fact, Mount Gilead's population is lower than the state average.