Perrysville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Perrysville City, OH, you should know its Population & Steets. The following will provide you with the statistics. Perrysville, OH has 683 residents. Its median age is 42 years and its median household income is $37,500. The population of Perrysville is 1.02% white and 676 percent non-Hispanic.

The median household income in Perrysville, OH is $37,500, which is less than the national average of $65,712. The median income in Perrysville, OH was $38,125 in 2018, which represents a -1.64% annual growth. The most common job groups in Perrysville, OH are Health Care & Social Assistance, Production Occupations, and Sales & Related Occupations.

The median age of residents in Perrysville, OH was 42.1 years in 2019. This figure is made up of both native-born and foreign-born citizens. While the median age of citizens in Perrysville, OH is 33 years, it is lower for residents of foreign-born origin. The median household size was 2.32 for both males and females. The median household income in the city was $34,250.