Pickerington, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Pickerington, Ohio, population and steets are a bit above average compared to other nearby Ohio cities. In Pickerington, Ohio, commute times are longer than the state average, and 47% of residents drive to work. However, commuting by car is not the only way to get to work in Pickerington, as walking and public transportation are also common.

The city's population density is calculated as the number of people per square mile. This is compared to the state and national averages, as well as the median age for all residents. Other important data about Pickerington is the number of married couples and the percentage of singles. The chart below presents these facts and more. For more statistics, view the Pickerington city's demographics.

People in Pickerington, Ohio are primarily of European descent, but it's also important to note that people from South-Central Asia and Eastern Africa make up the bulk of the population. These two groups are closely related to the country's history, and are important indicators of a diverse and dynamic region. If you're planning a road trip to Pickerington, OH, you'll find a list of nearby cities that offer a unique experience for any tourist.

The next graph shows the percentages of people who are Hispanic and Latino. The Native population is further broken down by racial groups. The highest percentage of Natives in Pickerington is in Blacklick Estates CDP, followed by the largest group of Hispanic and white residents. Pickerington is ranked number two for the highest proportion of Native residents. And, while the town's ethnic composition is varied, its diversity is quite high and well-represented.