Rossburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of the City of Rossburg? This page will tell you. In Rossburg City, there are approximately 231 residents. The median household income is $48,636. You can find this information by looking at the map below. You'll also find information on how many people live in poverty in the city. The following information about Rossburg is compiled from various sources, and is intended to provide you with the most accurate information.

Families in the City of Rossburg are largely headed by a married couple. It has a 73% married-couple family percentage, compared to 100% in Osgood. It is also worth noting that households in Rossburg are smaller than those in neighbouring cities, like Burkettsville. And if you're looking for a good place to live in Rossburg, check out these stats.

The following statistics show the number of people of various ages in Rossburg. There are no evictions recorded in the city, which is good news for local residents. However, you should be aware of the fact that many addresses have multiple eviction cases during the year. This is especially true if you want to locate a place where retirees and other older people are likely to live.

The median gross rent in Rossburg City was $675 per month in 2010. This figure may include the cost of utilities. Rent burden is an important statistic to measure housing affordability in a city. Rossburg has a lower rent burden than neighboring cities, which average 21.8%. The population of renters in Rossburg City is 20.9%, compared to 21.8% in neighboring New Madison and 22.0% in Russia.