Sarahsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Sarahville, Ohio? Do you want to find out the most important statistics? Then read on! The following information will provide you with the necessary data. The population of Sarahsville is 100 percent white. Below are the various races and ethnic groups in the city. They also indicate the percentage of people living below the poverty line. In Sarahsville, Ohio, the most common foreign born residents are from India, Mexico, and China.

In Sarahsville, OH, 84.8% of housing units are owned by residents. 15.2% are rented out. There are many other factors to consider when evaluating a city's housing market. Fortunately, the City of Sarahsville has a very low rent burden when compared to other nearby cities. Its rent burden is 11.5%, lower than the state average of 29.5%, and it's higher than that of neighboring cities like Lewisville and Stafford. The median household income in Sarahsville is $42,200.

In Sarahsville, OH, the median household income is $42,500. Nearly 49% of the population lives below the poverty line. There are 141 households in this city. The median household income is $42,500. A few of these households live in poverty, but most are in the middle class. There are a lot of people who are unemployed in this city. The unemployment rate is 11.9% amongst 16-year-olds, but it is low compared to the national average of $57,000.